By Bryan Smith on October 27, 2015 at 10:04am
Nintendo announced that "Super Mario Maker" will be receiving a big update on November 4, 2015.
This update adds midway checkpoints, allowing players who died in the level to continue (presumably) halfway through the level. The video makes note that "You'll have to clear the course from the checkpoint flag onward to upload it," so level creators with trollish intentions can't exactly abuse the system (though that won't stop people from finding other ways).
The second addition is that by adding a mushroom to a fire flower and putting it in an item box (or probably any item all together), it'll function as it normally would in traditional "Super Mario Bros." games. While Small Mario, the item will always be a mushroom. While Super Mario (or regular if you will), the item will be a fire flower.
The third addition is a harder version of the Gnat Attack mini-game.
The fourth addition is the Official Mario Maker selections, where courses made by Nintendo themselves and other major third-party companies can be played.
The last addition is the Event Courses being added. These are special courses for events.