By Sean Perryman on April 17, 2015 at 9:25am
Many people got their introduction to video gaming with the Best of Windows Entertainment Pack; I know it was one of my first. After twenty five years, Chip's Challenge is coming to Steam; both the original, as well as the never released sequel: Chip's Challenge 2.
Chip's Challenge is a puzzle game where you play as a kid who is trying to join the BitBusters Computer Club and hang out with the girl of his dreams, but first must solve all of the 144 puzzles that comprise Chip's Challenge.
Chip's Challenge 2 had been in development for two years before the designer, Chuck Sommerville, found out that the trademark had been sold and the new owners wanted him to fund the development himself. Unfortunately because he'd just spent two years working on it this wasn't a possibility, so he was forced to shelve the project.
Chip's Challenge 1 and 2 will be available on Steam on May 29th. Check out the YouTube videos above, or the Throwback Thursday: Chip's Challenge article written by our own Anni Simpson.
25 years later Chip’s Challenge 1 & 2 come to Steam in May
Twenty-five years have passed since Chip’s Challenge 1 was released on the Atari Lynx & Windows 3.1, a game fondly enjoyed by millions. However what’s not commonly known is a sequel was also created by Chuck Sommerville shortly after, but never released.
Chuck created Chip's Challenge 1 in just ten weeks, he then spent two years designing Chip's Challenge 2. However disaster struck, on finishing the development, Chuck found the trademark had been sold and the new owners wanted him to fund the publishing. Having just spent two years working on Chip’s Challenge 2, Chuck couldn’t afford this, so with colossal personal sadness Chip’s Challenge 2 was shelved.
“When I couldn’t release Chip’s Challenge 2, it hit me really hard. Not only had I spent two years perfecting it, I also felt I’d let down the fans too.” Chuck Sommerville said. “I generally thought the only way Chip’s Challenge 2 was ever going to see the light of day was by having my wife leak it on the internet on my death.”
However two decades later, with fans continually pleading with Chuck to release Chip’s Challenge 2 and nearly five years of negotiation with the trademark owners, Chip’s Challenge 2 can now finally be released in all its original glory with every unseen levels and game elements on Steam, along with Chip’s Challenge 1.
“I’m so excited about getting to finally release Chip’s Challenge 1 & 2 on Steam, it’s defiantly one off the bucket list.” Chuck Sommerville said. “We are now just adding some additional Steam features such as Trading Cards & Steam Workshop to the original code. Oh and the ability to save your game progress, rather than using the old code system.”
Chip’s Challenge 1 & Chip’s Challenge 2 will be available on Steam on 29th May:
Chip’s Challenge 1 is $1.99 on Steam for PC:
Chip’s Challenge 2 is $4.99 on Steam for PC:
Chip’s Challenge 2: Editor as DLC for CC2 is $2.99 on Steam for PC:
Or all three are available as a bundle at 50% off the combined price for $4.99.
YouTube – Chip’s Challenge 1 – Trailer –
YouTube – Chip’s Challenge 2 – Trailer –
About Chip’s Challenge
Before Chip can join the Bit Busters computer club and hang out with the girl of his dreams, Melinda the Mental Marvel, he must solve all 144 challenging puzzles.
Your bird's-eye view can help Chip rush through the puzzles and mazes before he's deleted by monsters, traps and the passage of time. Show Chip how to use blocks of soil to overcome water traps and cherry bombs, find keys, and pick up the computer chips which Chip needs to solve some puzzles.
Can you help Chip win the cold heart of his one true love and become an official Bit Buster? If you can't, no one can!
Niffler Ltd.
Niffler is an independent games studio founded by Chuck Sommerville and friends, which believes video games should not simply be a passive experience. Their aim is to create games that are fun for the player to both play & make, with the make component being as easy to use as playing the game themselves.
Chip's Challenge 1 on Steam Chip's Challenge 2 on Steam Chip's Challenge 2 Editor DLC on Steam Niffler Website Throwback Thursday: Chip's Challenge