By Bryan Smith on March 30, 2016 at 10:07pm
During the "Final Fantasy XV" Uncover event, Square Enix, revealed that there will be an anime and movie for the game.
The anime is called "Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV," which will air five episodes for free on YouTube, with the already released. This series will focus on Noctis, his friends, and how they became friends in the first place.
The movie is called "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV." It will become available through digital distribution during Summer 2016, starring Aaron Paul, Lena Headley, and Sean Bean. "Kingsglaive" will focus on Lunafreya Nox Fleuret and King Regis, taking place a little after Noctis starts his story. Also, the main character of this movie is a soldier called Nyx.
Following the accidental leak, "Final Fantasy XV" is set to release on Sept. 30 with a demo called "Final Fantasy XV Platinum Demo" available to download. The game started off as "Final Fantasy XIII Versus," originally part of the "Final Fantasy XIII" universe, and was announced in 2006. Ten years later, and the game finally has a release date.