By Paolo Succi on June 19, 2014 at 10:36pm
Justin Ma, co-creator of "FTL: Faster Than Light," broke the news via Twitter today that developer Subset Games has no plans for a Vita port of their immensely popular RTS.
Earlier this year, Subset acknowledged that in addition to the iPad port, a Vita port was being considered. Today, Ma officially dashed Vita-owner's hopes:
Hey. We looked into it extensively, and in the end, it just turns out the screen is too small for us. Sorry about that.
To date, the iPad version has been the only port since the original PC release. The simulation-strategy game relies on micro-managing a starship as it travels through galaxies battling enemy spaceships and purchasing upgrades along the way. The addictive draw for many was the game's roguelike structure, making "just one more run," a mantra among "FTL" players.
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