By Andrew Dodson on February 9, 2016 at 2:00pm
Ubisoft has released an in-depth trailer on their upcoming release "Far Cry Primal." The trailer dives into the brutal world that the player will navigate as Takkar, emphasizing the point that this was a time in history where humans weren't quite at the top of the food chain yet.
"Far Cry Primal" is a unique addition to the Fay Cry series for the obvious reason that it does not take place in the modern age, as the previous four games did - it takes place right after the Ice Age. The developers have done a fantastic job of taking that dangerous time, and mixing the raw brutality of the era with a bit of the magical.
While it looks like wolves and sabertooth tigers are going to be a constant threat, they can also be allies if you utilize Takkar's beastmaster skills appropriately. While sharp sticks and bows seem to make up the primary arsenal of the world's warriors, you also have access to bee-bombs, fire and a controllable owl companion. And yes, you don't have cars you can cruise around in, but that bear you just tamed can also make a pretty intimidating mount.
An interesting aspect of "Far Cry Primal" that this trailer reveals is the settlement building. As you claim territory and destroy enemy tribes, you're able to grow your own little villages. Upgrading buildings make the world a little less harsh for your people and they can also attract specialists which can advance different techniques in your tribe or just by growing the general population, you can build your tribe's spiritual power, which likely has effects on your influence.
"Far Cry Primal" is set for release on XBOX One and Playstation 4 on February 23rd of this year. It will release on PC on March 1st.