Monster Hunter Generations

Monster Hunter Generations

Release: 7/15/2016 [NA]

ESRB Rating: Teen

Publisher: Capcom

Genre: Action Role-playing

Purchase: Best Buy Target GameStop Amazon


Coming Summer 2016 for Nintendo 3DS, Monster Hunter Generations is the newest installment in the popular Monster Hunter action RPG series, which has sold more than 36 million units worldwide. Monster Hunter Generations is the most customizable Monster Hunterexperience to date, and serves as a fitting tribute to the last decade of the series with a blend of brand new areas and monsters, and returning fan-favorites that have been updated and adapted to the newest generation of gameplay.

Monster Hunter Generations introduces new gameplay mechanics including Styles and Hunter Arts that can further refine a very personalized playstyle. Mount monsters from mid-air using the Aerial style or make the most out of the advantageous Hunter Arts abilities with the Striker style. Hunter Arts are visually striking, indispensable combat skills and power-ups that hunters using any style or weapon can equip.

Along the hunter’s journey, players must defend each of the game’s four villages from new major threats—the Fated Four. With hundreds of quests in store, there are tons of challenges to tackle in a solo adventure, and also via local or online play with up to three other hunters.


Trailers: Monster Hunter Generations - Deviant Monsters Game Trailer - Nintendo E3 2016 (0:53)

Powerful enemies like the Grimclaw Tigrex have survived previous hunter encounters and have taken on new traits and abilities. These are sure to provide a challenge for even the most seasoned hunters.



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