"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
Naughty Dog released the details of the third and final DLC drop for the current "The Last of Us" season pass,"Grounded Bundle." The DLC comes jammed packed with interesting additions to the game.
Respawn Entertainment's "Titanfall" released the first significant patch to their latest FPS.
Yesterday, a new security hole was leaked by security professionals now known as Heartbleed.
"Goat Simulator" caught everyone’s attention with its quirky, sandbox-like environment where you play a goat that engages in crazy, ungoat-like behavior like riding in a jet pack. Coffee Stain Studios earned more respect from the community by announcing their intent to patch the game in May:
The Steam storefront has updated to include details on the re-release of 2002's "Age of Mythology," due out May 8 via the digital distributor.