"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
Speaking with Dream Nintendo (translated by Source Gaming, who has been the go-to source for finding about the behind scenes information on the "Super Smash Bros." series), game director Masahiro Sakurai discussed how certain stages and Mii costumes got into "Super Smash Bros." for Wii U/3DS. Of note, Geno was a particular character he wished was more an…
Microsoft announced that the Arbiter, one of the most well known characters from the "Halo" series outside of Master Chief and Cortana, will be joining the cast of "Killer Instinct" with Season 3.
Today, February 21, 2016, marks the 30th anniversary of the release of the original "Legend of Zelda" game. To celebrate, Player Theory did a little bit of research and put together a timeline that breaks down nearly every major "Legend of Zelda"-related event since the day it all began in February of 1986.
"ADR1FT," by developer THREE ONE ZERO, is the game that VR was meant for. In it, you get to fulfill just about every child's dream of becoming an astronaut...in space in a beautifully-rendered space station disaster. While drifting around through the wreckage, you work get yourself to safety, all the while struggling to keep air in your lungs and avoiding…
Sony announced that the game "Smite" will be coming to PlayStation 4.