"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
Best Buy has released a statement confirming that the Dark Pit amiibo will be exclusive to the retailer and will release on July 31. It should be noted that there will not be any pre-orders available, and the only way to buy Dark Pit from Best Buy is in-store.
Speaking with
The July 2015 PS Plus games have been revealed on the PS Blog.
An anonymous source spoke with Kotaku involving the "Batman: Arkham Knight" PC port. The source claims that Warner Bros. knew that the PC port was a mess months before the release.
In what seems like a strange move to people so used to seeing websites littered with advertisements for things they searched on Amazon for 2 years ago, independent game developer Nicalis has officially sponsored GoNintendo.com, a premier internet repository for information about all things Nintendo. This move will allow the site to go advertisement free for the next year…