"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
Halloween is fast approaching, and in the spirit of the spooky holiday, Nintendo is giving out treats of the “Pokémon” variety!
Earlier this year, "Strider" got a reboot/remake/re-imagining with "Strider 2014," and the series is getting more love with Capcom releasing "Strider 2" from the original PlayStation on the PlayStation Network.
Open-world wizard Ubisoft has put out a quick teaser showcasing the bonus goodies we'll get for pre-ordering "Far Cry 4." Players who do so will automatically receive the not-so-Limited Edition, which includes three missions with the incredible Hurk, a powerful harpoon gun known as The Impaler and ...additional monkeys. This is very serious business.
"Tekken 7" was revealed at this years EVO, and since that time it has seen some new screens in addition to two new characters.
"Super Smash Bros." for 3DS has just been released outside of Japan, and many fans lined up for the midnight release at various Gamestops. While nothing is going to stop people from playing the single player content to unlock goodies, there is a patch already out there for the game to enable the online multiplayer.