"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
Posting on his Instagram, Breaking Benjamin frontman Benjamin Burnley stated how he felt about how marketing (presumably EA) wanted to pay him to say he liked "Star Wars Battlefront (2015)." Just by looking at the thumbnail for this article, I believe you can guess he doesn't have a lot of nice things to say.
(Note: This is an opinion piece, but will be instilling humor at "PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale's" expense. Please bare in mind that this article is in good humor and not to be malicious towards anyone)
Sony confirmed to Wired via an email that PlayStation 2 emulation will be coming to PlayStation 4.
It started as tiny robots fighting inside a giant clockwork machine, it evolved into a battle to the death across ancient Mexico. The world of “Mayan Death Robots” is on the brink of oblivion as the aforementioned death robots blow the ever loving life out of the forests and jungles in a battle to the death. The ancients of Sileni…
“Warhammer 40,000: Dark Nexus Arena” is a MOBA/Shooter hybrid from Whitebox Interactive, that aims to open a whole new world of action for MOBA players.