"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. announced on Tuesday that "TEKKEN 7" will be coming to next generation home systems in 2016. The title itself being realised in early 2015 in a limited number of arcades in Japan but the game is still very much in its BETA phase.
Sony released a new trailer for the upcoming "HITMAN," the latest game in the Hitman franchise. The Hitman games focus on a mysterious man known only as 47 as he travels around the world doing his totally normal job as a high-profile contract hitman. What makes the Hitman games so unique are the many unique ways that the player can…
Major Nelson announced what the November 2015 Games with Gold lineup will be.
After dozens of teaser trailers and game-play demos, Hello Games has finally provided us a release date for the highly-anticipated sci-fi game "No Man's Sky!" Well, it's more of a release "window" but it's better then a nebulous "sometime in the future"- and that window is June of 2016.
It was 1999 when "The Phantom Menace" first hit theaters, and while people have a lot of varying....opinions on the prequel, no one can really make the argument that Darth Maul was not an awesome villain. Sure, he only had a couple of lines, but when he appeared at the end of movie and ignited his double-bladed lightsaber to fight…