"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
Motiga CEO Chris Chung announced that the studio will be taking some significant/temporary layoffs to the staff.
Speaking with IGN, Capcom announced that Alex will be the first DLC character for "Street Fighter V," releasing sometime in March.
PlayStation Japan announced that Devolver Digitial's mobile/PC game "Downwell" will be coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
Ubisoft has released an in-depth trailer on their upcoming release "Far Cry Primal." The trailer dives into the brutal world that the player will navigate as Takkar, emphasizing the point that this was a time in history where humans weren't quite at the top of the food chain yet.
GameTrailers has announced that they will be shutting down after 13 years of service.