"The Last of Us II" is easily one of the most anticipated upcoming games for Playstation, so you better believe…
"Pokemon Uranium" was a fan-made Pokemon game that took 9 years to make, provided more than 30 hours of gameplay, introduced the Tandor region and brought 192 new Pokemon into the mix...and after being live for only a couple of days (it was officially released on August 6th), direct download links on the main website have been removed. The developers'…
No doubt to capitalize on the popularity of "Pokemon Go" and the coming-soon "Pokemon Sun/Moon," Nintendo has announced that the cult classic "Pokemon Snap" will be arriving on the Wii U Virtual Console this week.
This Fall, Valve is releasing it's first original hero for the fantastically popular MOBA "Dota 2." Drawing from what seems to be the Chinese Mythos, The Monkey King is the first original character the game has seen since it's release in 2013. Check out his introduction video below:
When someone mentions "GoldenEye," the first thing that comes to mind is not the James Bond film starring Pierce Brosnan. The first thing that comes to my mind is connecting four controllers to the N64 and playing with all my brothers. It's memories of having to beat The Dam in less than 2:40 so I could unlock paintball mode so…
After a couple of years of being available solely in the Nintendo E-Shop, "Mega Man X" has arrived in the 3DS Virtual Console. Arguably one of the best Mega Man games, "Mega Man X" takes place far in the future where Mega Man X, has to use an assortment of new powers to put down some out-of-control Reploids and their…